lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Sumary 1,2,3

Sumary 1:Energy Resouce

This topic releated from one question ;


As the Explorre activity showed the people use a number of different energy source each day. Many homes,schools, and businesnesses get heat by burning oil or natural gas. some older buildings still burn coal for heat .Some homes burn wood for heat.The heat in many common devices,such as lights,computers,radio,TV,and washers.Some small devices such as flashlights and portable CD players get their electricity from batteries.Most of the other devices use electricity from a wall outlet.That electricity comes from a power  plant.


Sumary 2 : Living thigs and Their Enviorent

What do living things Need to survive  

The explore Activity showed how biotic and abiotic things interact in an ecosystem.An ecosystem is all the biotic and abiotic things in an area interacting each other.Ecology is the study of how  all these things interact in order to survive.Most ecosystems are mush larger than a jar some,like the praire ecosystem of North America ,the desert of Africa , and the rain forest of Brazil ,cover large areas of a country or cotinent .

Sumery 3 :Food Chains and Food Web

How do population interact

Every population needs energy in order to survive .Where does that energy comefrom.The energy in a ecosystem comes from the can feel the suns  energy as it wams your Skin.A meadow mouse scurring trhought a Blackland cornifer and a red tailed hawk diving to snaer the mouse can feel it too .