Colors of light
Prism a cut piece of clear glass or plastic with twoi opposite sides in the sgape of n triangle or other peometric shape.
Spectrum a band of colors produced when light goes throug a prism.
Primary color red,green,or blue ,mixing this colors can produce all the colors of the sprectum.
Primaty pigment magenta ,cyan,yello,,material with any of these colors absorb one primary color of light and reflects the other two.
Invisible light
electromagetism the production of magntism by electricity and the production of electricity by magnets.
Elctromagnetic spectrum all the wavelegths of visible and invisible light in order from short gammarays to long radio.
Laser la device that produces a thin stream of light of just a few close wavelengths.
What matter is
Mass the mount of matter in an object.
Volume the amount of space an object takes up.
Weight a measure of the force of gravity between Earth and an object.
density a measure of how tightly packed matter is,the amount of mass contained in a given volume.
buoyancy the upward push on an object y the liquid or the object is placed in.
conduct allow heat or elecricity to flow throught readily.
insulate not allow heat or electricity to flow through readilly.
What matter is made of
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